A Note of Thanks and Support
I would like to extend a warm thanks to everyone enrolled in the course as well as our wonderful professor. I can honestly say that I have learned a great deal, and I feel better equipped for the journey ahead. It has truly been a pleasure! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to follow your blog. I've thoroughly enjoyed your reading materials, assignments, discussion posts and colleague responses. As you continue on your professional path remember "having is not the same as doing." Anyone can acquire knowledge. It is readily accessible, but teaching requires passion. You have shared your personal web, many experiences,topics and resources related to the field of early childhood at various levels that has caused me invaluable guidelines to reflect upon as I start my journey in the early childhood discipline. I wish you well and I look forward to many more conversation exchanges. As Cantor (1990) notes,"one can have both knowledge and skills, but without a disposition to make use of them, very little will happen."
ReplyDeleteIt has truly been a pleasure following your blog and having you in class. I know you will be a great contribution to the early education profession and look forward to reading many more blog posts from you. These weeks went by fast but I have enjoyed and learned some new things from your posts and comments and am inspired to keep pushing forward. Thank you,
ReplyDeleteIt has been a pleasure to work with you. Good luck with your future classes and I hope our paths will cross again.